Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Soak City 2008

Well, we spent the day (July 11th) at Soak city. Sheri had planned a "family fun day" outting. It turned out to be a very beautiful day. Jason took the boys into the big wave pool.

All was going well until the waves were turned on. Spencer did not like it at all and I ended up getting the lifeguard to hand him over the fence to me while Jason stayed in the pool with Tyler.

Here are Jason and the boys climbing up to the top of the big slide. The first time I had to carry Tyler up the entire way...he did not want to go. But after he went down the first time he wanted to go down again and again and again.

I really was proud of Tyler for going down the big slide. Only thing was that I caught up with them at the top so that we could all go down as a family (Jason and I and the older boys). Only problem was that when we got to the top, Spencer was 2" to short and then made him get off. So Jason walked him down the stairs and I rode down with Tyler. All Spencer wanted to know was, "when will I be big enough?" and "I'm never going to be big enough". He was one unhappy little boy.

Hunter and Hailey had fun playing in the kiddie pond. I think that Hunter could have stayed there all day playing with the water spouts. He thought it was cool to sit on them.

Jason took Hunter down one of the lazy rivers...this one, however, was the one that had water falls in it and He did not like it at all. He couldn't wait to get off and didn't want to go back on!

We took a litle break for a snack and I was able to lay down and relax for a few minutes. I tried to get Hailey take a nap so that I could take a nap but it didn't work.

I think that everyone had a great time and we all got to have a little fun in the wave pool. Sheri had a few moments where the waves got the best of her. But overall she survived!!!!

Even Shannon got in on the fun and helped the boys on the lazy river.

In the end I think that we managed to wear out all of the children and it was a very quite drive home. We did have to stop and wake them up for dinner but it didn't stop them from falling back to sleep again.

Plans are already in the works for next year. I just hope that Spencer will have grown the 2" needed to ride the other rides...or I will have one very, very upset little boy on my hands!

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